Build to suit office space available in Big Bend Professional Center located along busy Big Bend Road at the entrance to the Kings Lake subdivision. There is one office pad site available that can accommodate spaces from 3,400 SF up to approximately 6,800 SF of medical or general office. A new retail strip center has been developed on the outparcel along Big Bend Road which has added an improved consumer draw to an already thriving medical office park along with a new Publix shopping center directly across the street. This is the perfect opportunity to design and build your perfect office space in the growing SouthShore Market.
Pricing will be based upon detailed specifications
TI package negotiable
SouthShore is rapidly growing with thousands of new homes on the horizon and this site sits just west of I-75 in close proximity to East Bay High School and the rapidly growing St. Joseph's Hospital South Medical Market.
Located at the signalized intersection of Big Bend Road and Kings Lake Drive in Gibsonton across from the proposed SouthShore Commons.